Tuesday, April 5, 2016

(This is the Best we can hope for in this Yahapalanaya Government. We should be prepared for the Worst, even if We CANNOT DO ANYTHING About it. 
As Kleshas / Defilements increase in the minds of people, (as the Buddha has Correctly Predicted), the more people will become Anti Buddha Shasana. 
In short, We are HELPLESS if things get worse. - R. S. Madanayake (Ravi))


Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday assured the Mahyanayaka Theras of the Asgiriya and Malwatta Chapters, that the proposed Theravada Kathikavatha Bill will be formulated only on the advice and recommendations of the Mahanayaka Theras and the Maha Sangha.
The Bill will be formulated to fulfil the needs of the Maha Sangha and will not include the requirements of the government, he said.
The Prime Minister was speaking after calling on the Mahanayaka Thera of the Malwatte Chapter, the Most Ven. Thibbotuwawe Sri Siddartha Thera and the Mahanayaka of the Asgiri Chapter the Most Ven. Galagama Sri Aththadassi Thera in Kandy.
He said the Theravada Kathikavatha Bill was drafted to give the requisite powers to the Mahanayaka Theras. The Bill will be formulated and passed only in consultation with the Maha Sangha.
The Bill will be passed with the concurrence of the Mahanayakas and the Maha Sangha of the Supreme Sangha Council, he said.
Following the discussion, the Nayaka Thera also told the media that the Premier had assured them the due place for Buddhism given in the present constitution will be given in the new constitution which will be drafted in the future.
Prime Minister Wickremesinghe called on the Mahanayakas of the Asgiriya and Malwatta Chapters to invite them for an alms-giving on March 8 at Temple Trees for 1,000 Bhikkhus.
Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade Malik Samrawickrema, Higher Education and Highways Minister Lakshman Kiriella accompanied the Prime Minister during his visit to the Nayaka Theras.

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